
I am Oliver and this is reviving.work. My lifelong goal has become to help you, your organization, and everyone else to do better. There are tremendous ecological and economic challenges ahead of us. We can only solve these challenges if we combine our vast human cognitive and physical abilities smartly and sustainably.

I am extremely passionate about uncovering the full potential of an organization, big and small. I love to be your catalyst for change, offer new perspectives, and give you meaningful impulses. Together we will clean out your under-complex organizational process baggage and instead build organic connections among groups and individuals.

With reviving.work I am offering you the necessary information, methods, and materials to create environments where natural, organic structures can thrive. The resulting organizational system will provide everyone with the opportunity to become the best version of themselves.

My true conviction is that there is no alternative to self-organization, shared responsibility, and decentralization. Real value is only created when people work with each other and for each other in self-sufficient, functionally integrated teams.

About Oliver Gesch

My biggest strength that helps me in all of my ventures is an often underrated skill: active listening. I am doing everything I can to truly focus on, hear and eventually understand my conversation partner.

My special area of expertise is product development in the software development domain. After finishing my degrees in software engineering I joined a large multinational corporation where I held many different positions in the product development domain. Starting as a software engineer more than ten years ago, I quickly took over a multi-project manager role for a large globally distributed development team. This role eventually led to a global segment manager role, managing a portfolio of products. After that, I became the line manager (department head) for the German software development organization. Finally, I took over a transformation lead position after several years as the department head. In this role, I am facilitating a fundamental change initiative in the area of work organization and collaboration for the German engineering organization.

My knowledge of (software) technologies is quite broad due to the many different areas I have worked on in my career: From bare metal µc programming, Android application development, wireless sensor networks, rich Linux infotainment applications, distributed cloud services, and real-time safety software development according to IEC61508.